
Friday 1 August 2008

Kevin on Earth begins to show some cracks

The latest Newspoll in The Australian on How we see our leaders [31 July 2007] demonstrates that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has the beginnings of an image problem.

The percentage of those Australians interviewed who thought Kevin Rudd arrogant rose from 34% in November 2007, to 33% in February-March this year and presently sits at 43%.
Brendan Nelson on the other hand fell in the arrogance stakes from 48% in February-March 2008 to 42% currently.

The Prime Minister also faded somewhat across all the survey categories , particularly when it came to perceptions of the degree to which he was 'in touch with voters'.
There Rudd dropped 13 percentage points this year.

Perhaps his initial love affair with popularist politics and those almost daily media announcements of 'grand ideas' were more than passing mistakes from which he could recover easily.
Credibility does just not rise up out of the ballot box, it is something that is hard earned in the weeks and months that follow electoral success.

Link to poll here.

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