
Monday 18 August 2008

"We'll nuke Poland" says Russian general. Yeah? Well I'll tell my mother on you!

It seems that Russia has entered a silly season all of its own, if this piece below is any indication.
Can't say that I am all that impressed by what has to be a barely credible veiled threat to use nuclear weapons by Анатолий Алексеевич Ноговицын. [Pic from U.K. Telegraph]

If it looks like a nong, and talks like a nong - then it's a nong as far as I'm concerned.
Don't think the Kremlin was too happy with Anatoly either. Tsk. tsk.

Why Anatoly thinks nukes are needed is not all that obvious when Russia can just walk in and bash down the bedroom door anywhere it likes, courtesy of Bush, Blair and Howard's previous comprehensive trashing of international law.
There is absolutely no need for the Russian Government to pretend it has kultury when these three amigos publicly turned barbarian.

One thing's for sure - this is going to make 'fitness to lead' a bigger question in the U.S. presidential race, if Russia continues to throw its military might around and threatens to nuke the Ukraine as well if it signs on the dotted line for the U.S. anti-missile network.

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