
Sunday 14 September 2008

Barack shows his true colours during US presidential race

While the McCain campaign is equally shameless, Barack Obama is beginning to show that he is no novice when it comes to slinging political mud.

This quote in the Herald Sun caught my eye this week.

BARACK Obama has ripped into 72-year-old John McCain calling him an out-of-touch economic illiterate who has slept through the internet revolution, as the war of words resumed on the White House trail.

Peter Sheehan's cartoon found at New Matilda.

1 comment:

  1. it is true though... McCain is grandpa minus any clue. Whereas McCain's ad spend has called Obama a child-molesting sexist islamofascist. There are very few nasty things that can be said about the Republicans which aren't true. Like "George Bush", or "Dick Cheney", or "Karl Rove", or "Donald Rumsfeld", etc. That doesn't even touch on their domestic policies.


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