
Saturday 13 September 2008

Gloss comes off Democrat presidential candidate Obama - except among single women

Barack Obama might eventually try to pretend arms length from the Democratic Party September 2008 website The Next Cheney, however his Alaska Mythbusters group gives the game away.

Things are really getting down and dirty in the US presidential race as Gallup polling of registered voters place McCain five percentage points ahead of Obama and neither campaign camp is covering itself with glory. has been keeping track of the truthfulness or otherwise of some of the claims against the main players in the 2008 campaign:

Sliming Sarah Palin

Fact Checking Obama

Sliming Obama

Maverick Misleads

Hit the Brakes

Bikini-wearing, gun-toting Palin viral photo fake

The Obama for America team has a Fighting the Smears webpage which selectively lists smears for his campaigners to then knock down.

It has an interesting piece of editing posted:

Which sort of begs the question as to whether this team is actually trying to foster some of these wayout theories in order give him underdog status and the sympathy vote.

Because it seems that the only demographic that Obama consistently dominates is single American female registered voters where his personal support runs between 54-60% over the last three months.

Palin graphic found at The Next Cheney

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