
Sunday 28 September 2008

How well do you know your accountant?

Attending university is taboo for Australia's 15000 Exclusive Brethrens

Consequently, the Brethren produce heaps of accountants but no doctors, lawyers or teachers.

That may explain how the Brethren have been able to shovel piles of cash in the direction of the conservatives (i.e. the right wing side of politics = the Coalition mob, not the left wing Labor lot!) in Australia.

Yep, that's right, chances are that your accountant is an EB. Well, there's a higher probability that your bean counter rather than your local GP is an EB. reports that children of the Brethren attend well-equipped schools with low teacher-student ratios and solid HSC results, but none of them will be going to university. ... for them university is taboo.

They can study at TAFEs and other tertiary institutions, but not at universities.

You won't find Brethren children watching TV programs, either, or going to the movies, or visiting google on the Internet.

It's all part of their belief in separation from the sinful world around them, and elders admit that can mean they can grow up ignorant of the extent of that wickedness.

The university ban is one aspect of the Brethren lifestyle that outsiders, known as "worldlies", find hardest to understand.

It means that the 15,000-strong Australian Brethren community is producing plenty of accountants but no doctors, lawyers or teachers.

Which means, ironically, that no Brethren teachers are tutoring the 2,300 students at 43 Australian schools run by the Christian sect, which was described by Labor leader Kevin Rudd last year as an "extreme cult" that broke up families.

Every teacher is a worldly.

"I would say it's not much different from teaching in any other school," says Ewoud Vogel, principal of the original Brethren school at Sydney's Meadowbank, founded in 1994.

"In fact I would say it's my most positive teaching experience in Australian schools," says the South African-born teacher after stints at a Greek Orthodox school and another Christian school in Sydney.

"The students are most compliant to work in the classroom."

Meadowbank has 120 students, 80 in high school and 40 primary.

It has a well-equipped science lab, food tech kitchen, computer room, playgrounds and other facilities.

The teacher-student ratio of less than one to 10 at Brethren schools around Australia is up to three times lower than public schools.

The principal, who also takes geography, has a current HSC geography class of six students.

"I have not found my teaching restricted in any way, or had to change any of my programs," he said after leaders of the secretive Brethren sect went public to correct what they said was years of untrue and negative stories about them.

"About the only difference is that I can't just pull a video off the shelf and show it to students without first having its contents scrutinised.

"And that's probably a good thing."

The school's televisions are used only for showing educational programs.

"I can't come in and ask my students if they saw reports of Hurricane Gustav on the news last night, because I know they haven't," said Mr Vogel.

"So I just open up the newspaper, and we talk about it that way."

Even Disney films are out.

"They're really just entertainment value," said Mr Vogel.

"Some of our children are reading Charlie And The Chocolate Factory at present.

"They won't be going to see the movie, but I think their imagination is enhanced and heightened by reading rather than seeing the movie."

Internet use on the computers is strictly controlled.

Rather than applying filters that block out certain subject material, the Brethren has gone the other way, allowing access only to approves sites and links.

Clearly, the almost ubiquitous google search engine is a no-no.

"From an educationist's point of view, it's great," said Mr Vogel.

"The kids don't get distracted or waste hours on unnecessary material," he said, though he conceded Brethren students may not have as much practice in digging out information as others.

"I am a Christian by faith so I enjoy teaching in a Christian atmosphere," Mr Vogel said.

"I believe in what they (the Brethren) basically stand for, even if I may not believe in all of their interpretations of the scriptures.

"We all believe in the same Bible and the same God."

Brethren schools receive government funding in line with other non-government schools, but overseer David Stewart denies they get any special treatment.

He says the curriculum of all schools is approved by the Board of Studies.

The Meadowbank school ranked 96th of 800 in NSW in terms of HSC results, he said, but that won't lead to university for any of the students.

A chat with senior elder Daniel Hales makes it clear the hippie generation of 1960s and 70s changed all that.

"Universities were once Ivy League bastions of conservative Christianity," he said.

"Then came Flower Power and professors advocating drugs, and so on.

"They became the vanguard for re-engineering society."

"I was enrolled myself once," said the 58-year-old father of five.

"I was going to study law or medicine.

"Then I thought it all through, and I realised it would draw me away from my Christian faith and my family."

"We feel our children would find their faith being challenged (at universities).

"The first thing they learn at university is to question everything.

"We are not afraid of them but we don't see why our children should be subject to that."

"We're not goody-goodies. I have tried cigarettes, and I have seen movies in my wayward youth."

1 comment:

  1. "In fact I would say it's my most positive teaching experience in Australian schools," says the South African-born teacher after stints at a Greek Orthodox school and another Christian school in Sydney."

    "I am a Christian by faith so I enjoy teaching in a Christian atmosphere," Mr Vogel said.

    "I believe in what they (the Brethren) basically stand for, even if I may not believe in all of their interpretations of the scriptures.

    "We all believe in the same Bible and the same God."

    Oh so this fine gentleman believes in the same god .This god then must not mind suicides,drunkeness and adultery . Children split from parents and all manner of nastiness . Rubbish as ministry

    And much much more nastiness ,deceit,love of money and many evils.

    Its all most unbelievable .This Ewoud Vogel suggestions seem to suggest he speaks for Christians in general !.If he does not then maybe if any Christians really honestly ! care , its long overdue time they speak up !. I suggest if they don`t then surely they must be considered participants of this general rule .Surely silence on this subject is agreeance acceptance ? , how can it be considered anything else when other issues such as abortion or gay issues etc seem for some reason to bring quite a loud voiceful opinion from quite a large number !.

    Maybe this man Ewoud Vogel is well paid and muted within the power of money ,along with many of his kinsmen such as the likes of also Mr Kevin Rudd .How many silent Christians in solidarity, will join them in trying to enter heaven through the eye of a needle because these EB they keep silent on it seems obvious are very centered around money .Even using the power of it to sue any who speak out or try to seek some justice .

    It seems so many Christians have great gusto in charity and converting people in far away countries ,yet when dealing with problems within their own realms they fall conveniently silent and positively lax .

    And they have the gall to pour scorn on Atheists who scoff at the faithful, claiming sad unfairness with pathetic wails of persecution.

    What makes it all seem so much worse is that all together along with the Exclusive Brethren ,when faced with the honesty of these matters they all drop their bottom lip and run away sulking .

    Should one decide to post on their blogs regarding these matters ,like the EB who "prefer to fly beneath the radar" they try to stifle publicity by not posting your comment .

    Which only seems to affirm the possibility that just maybe Christianity is riddled with self-righteousness and blind faith.


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