
Thursday 4 September 2008

Ian Tiley goes to bat for the Clarence Valley

Ian Tiley, Mayor of Clarence Valley Council, has gone to bat for the people of the valley.

ABC News reports:

There is concern about a North Coast Area Health Service attempt to sell land next to Maclean Hospital.
A sign advertising the sale of three lots appeared on the land recently.
Clarence Valley Mayor Ian Tiley says he will raise the issue today with Health Minister Reba Meagher's chief of staff.
Councillor Tiley says he will point out that selling the land could prevent any future expansion of the Maclean Hospital.
"There was no consultation with anyone beforehand, either the community or the council," he said.
"It's a high access area, we've got very high population growth in the locality and an ageing population and it's inherent this land be retained for hospital or allied purposes."
Cr Tiley says it is a waste of valuable property that would be better used by the growing hospital.
"We've got a parking conundrum at the hospital at the present time. There's cars parked all over the place on roads, on narrow roads," he said.
"There's also a strong feeling we need a renal dialysis unit down here, it's just wrong to put land on the market, public land, without consultation."

This is no mere grandstanding in a bid for re-election in this month's local government elections.

Under Ian Tiley, Clarence Valley Council has managed to pull together a valley divided by forced council amalgamations, progress the aims of this community in protecting the Clarence River system, retain a commitment to a fair rating policy and attract the goodwill of federal and state governments.

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