
Thursday 4 September 2008

Just for the record, how tall/short is "the diminutive Opposition leader"?

The Australian's Online political editor, Samantha Maiden, reported that Labor MP Belinda Neal (who has been in the hot seat in relation to events that either did or did not take place at a restaurant on the NSW Central Coast) and the Leader of the Opposition, Brendan Nelson, engaged in a not so friendly exchange of words last Thursday during a Qantas flight between Canberra and Sydney.

Maiden wrote:

When the flight landed, Dr Nelson attempted to help Ms Neal with her bags, prompting the furious Labor MP to demand to know when he was going to apologise for the remarks. [Comment: Neal claims Nelson had previously made claims that she (Neal) was an "ugly bully".]

The clash was witnessed by the packed plane and deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop, who intervened. She later told colleagues Ms Neal attempted to physically intimidate the diminutive Opposition leader.

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