
Tuesday 23 September 2008

Tiley v Williamson: Clarence Valley mayoral debate continues

I read with interest the letter placed in the Letters to the Editor column and submitted by Arthur Lysaght concerning the Election of the Mayor for the Clarence Valley Council.
The letter was written as an endorsement for Richie Williamson because he topped the poll and could be regarded as a Graftonian.

It is Arthur's right to go into bat for one of his own. It is also the right for others to give support for the incumbent Mayor Ian Tiley.
Graftonians have been smarting ever since a non-Graftonian was elected to the position of Mayor and they must be reminded that their turn will come, but let's hope it is not this year.

When amalgamation took place Ian Tiley was given the most difficult task of moulding the Councillors into a formidable group to look after the interests of the Valley which he has done.
A lot of decisions that have been made will not suit a lot of people but at the end of the day his actions, whilst he has been Mayor, have placed the council in a good position to face its second term.

Ian Tiley's cone of vision extends well beyond the precincts of Grafton and fairness for all of his constituents has been paramount in his thinking and in dealing with all the problems that are associated with being the Mayor.

This is the second time that the Valley has been confronted with the suggestion that "The one who tops the poll should be the Mayor."
Former councillor Chris Gulaptis was also in the same position, however, common sense prevailed and Councillor Ian Tiley, who has two degrees in Local Government, was elected to the job and has come through it with flying colours.

People should be reminded that just because you are popular doesn't necessarily make you the right person for the job.
Isn't it better that if you fly in an aircraft the pilot should have the right qualifications to fly the aircraft than just being popular back at the base?

I am sure that Richie Williamson will eventually become the Mayor as he is keen and young enough to wait for the right time.
Being at the microphone with gigantic headaches each day might prove to be just too much to handle.
But then again with the social life that he has led over the years it might be nothing new to him.
Don't rush things Richie, listen to the stories about the "old bull and the young bull," they will make if easier for you if you are elected but God help you if you don't take heed.

The Clarence Valley Council needs another term of Ian Tiley at the helm, as there are still many teething problems to overcome and it may prove to be a disaster if he is removed and replaced by someone with much less experience.

In conclusion, may I congratulate all the newly elected councillors on being elected and hope that the interests of the whole valley will be of the utmost importance and that parochialism does not come into any decision making.

Clarence Valley

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to for consideration.

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