
Sunday 28 September 2008

US 08 is better than vaudeville

This last week Democrat candidate, Barack Obama, made much of the need for presidential candidates to understand the current US financial crisis and share that knowledge with American voters.

The media gave considerable air time to his statement as Foxtel demonstrates:
“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama told reporters."

One blogger was quick to jump on this naive and misleading statement:
"Well, here is the thing… a new president won’t be “responsible” for any decisions until January of next year.
Sure, in 40 days we will be going to the polls to vote for a new president. But he won’t take office and, therefore, won’t be responsible for anything until he actually is sworn into office in January of 2009.
So, no, Baarack. In 40 days we will NOT have a new person “responsible for dealing with this mess.”
So, why has the Old Media decided not to lambaste this man who obviously has no idea when he might take office if elected?"

I'm now waiting for the Obama camp to start quibbling about how long the "approximately" string really is.

As political theatre the televised and online reporting of this presidential campaign sure beats those late night variety shows which the free-to-air TV channels inflict on us all.
Which's better - because it's not our country the angst is lower when listening to the typical and very ordinary political posturing (until you remember that these days the US acts like a rogue state in the international arena).

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