
Monday 13 October 2008

Barack delivers up a mess of misdirection

These days I mostly ignore the endless flow of emails from Obama for America which turn up in my Inbox.
However this one sent after the Town Hall debate between Obama and McCain deserves a mention:

I thought the differences between John McCain and me were pretty clear tonight. I will fight for the middle class every day, and -- once again -- Senator McCain didn't mention the middle class a single time during the debate. [my emphasis]
If you agree that we need to cut taxes for 95% of working families, reduce health care costs, and end the war in Iraq responsibly, then I need your help right now.
And if you heard John McCain push more of the same discredited policies, including tax cuts for the wealthy and giant corporations, tax increases on health care, and continuing to spend $10 billion a month in Iraq, then now is the time to act.
Four weeks from tonight, we'll know which of us will be the next president.
The time to make a difference in this election is running out --
please make a donation of $5 or more right now.
Thank you,

Sounds good doesn't it? A heartless McCain ignoring the plight of the American middle class.
Problem is McCain did mention retirees, home owners, workers, small business, taxpayers - all components of the broadly inclusive American definition of middle class.
For heaven's sake Senator Obama, if you are going to attack (as is your right) at least make it believable and stop treating the voter like a prize idiot.
Didn't Harvard teach you anything?


Click to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Hey Clarencegirl, it's very unhelpful to paint Mr Obama in a negative light. You sound in need of guidance so how 'bout we sit you down with the very enlightened Ms Sarandon who will tell you how to vote.

    Just kidding.


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