
Wednesday 22 October 2008

But I never was a real investment banker, M'lud

I hear that Leader of the Opposition Malcolm Turnbull has been whirling like a dervish down the corridors of power and out into the faces of various media coves in an attempt to establish a global crisis position with traction, and (as a sub text) convince them that he just happened to have previously 'worked' for an investment bank and hadn't really been an true investment banker.
Or if he accidentally was, he was one of the 'good' investment bankers (in itself something of an oxymoron these days).
And it didn't really matter anyway, because he only spent a few years with the firm as Chairman and Managing Director

Too bad, Mad Mel didn't stop to consider whether this would crack most people up, when both Goldman Sachs Australia and Turnbull's own Parliament of Australia biography still list him as having been a partner between 1997-8 to 2001 and that partnership package was understood to come with an additional parcel of shares.
Turnbull and Co having merged with Goldman Sachs Australia in July 1997.

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck - then it's a bl**dy duck!
Turnbull does himself no favours in trying to pretend otherwise.

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