
Wednesday 1 October 2008

Just when I thought election hype couldn't get any weirder, along comes an Ohio corn farmer....

WHITEHOUSE, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio farmer would like to invite you to get lost inside the head of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

A 16-acre corn maze near the town of Whitehouse has been carved in Palin's likeness, complete with her familiar updo hairstyle and eyeglasses.

Farmer Duke Wheeler says that Palin created a lot of excitement in the campaign and that he was hoping to generate some for this year's maze.

Wheeler says it took an artist from Idaho at least eight hours to mow down stalks for the maze.

WhiteHouse corn maze here.

Meanwhile out in the real world......

Gallup Daily: Obama Maintains 8-Point Lead

From Crikey on 30 September

And here is what Possum Comitatus makes of it all:

The Obama surge is continuing in both the markets and the polls, and the change in the markets is not only on the headline probabilities and a handful of States, but is general Obama push across nearly all States as we can see if we look at the current State probabilities and their change over the past week:

Graph from Pollytics

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