
Saturday 11 October 2008

The True Blue Honour Roll of Academic Freedom

The Sydney Morning Herald published an article yesterday which had the Young Liberals demonstrating the depth of rigorous research that lies behind their finger-pointing before the 2008 Senate Inquiry into Academic Freedom and their listing of a number of 'bad' academics, when national president Noel McCoy pointed out that evidence for alleged teaching bias was basically found by Googling these same academics.

Because of that I was going to call this post; One man's Google or 4633 kilobytes that certain uni students will very likely be ashamed of when they reach retirement.

Then I clicked onto the Senate website and found this group's submission Make Education Fairer, dated 13 August 2008 .
One hundred and five PDF pages of the most malicious drivel I have read in quite some space of time.

Suddenly it wasn't so amusing anymore. This little witch hunt even named an entire university department in what boils down to charges of thought crimes against white, Anglo-Saxon males.

Especially jaw-dropping is the notion found in the submission that this excerpt is apparently considered a biased and unnatural aim:
2.1 1 Schooling should assist in overcoming inequalities between social groups, seeking to produce equal and high educational outcomes for all social groups.
[Australian Education Union, Curriculum Policy 2007]

I invite you to read it all here. Unfortunately at the time of posting this, the hearing transcripts were not up yet for 9 October 2008, when the Young Liberals presented their supposed evidence in person.

Those academics named in the Make Education Fairer submission deserve to be recognised and supported against such nonsense:

Wendy Bacon
Eva Cox
Peter Singer
Catharine Lumby
The entire Department of Critical and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University, including Doctors Anderson, Francis-Cranny, Lambert, Murray and Sullivan
Peter Manning
Sarah Maddison
Carol Johnson
Tom Bramble
Jamie Doughney
Carole Ferrier
Martin Hirst
Rick Kuhn
Georgina Murray
Damon Riggs
Anna Szorenyi
Kathleen Conellan
Alia Imtoual
et al


  1. One would like to think they will feel ashamed in later life but I doubt they will. Liberals like Peter Costello and Michael Kroger never advanced much beyond the intellectual level of student politics. That's why this nonsense is being dignified with a Senate inquiry in the first place.

  2. Geez, they've even targeted some of their own - white, Anglo-Saxon males. At least they're even handed in regards to gender and race!!!

    Thank God - or whoever - for the likes of Peter Singer and Eva Cox. Without people of their mental calibre we'd all be an irrevocably conservative, whitewashed, suburaban picket fence.

  3. Hi there, it's good to see this getting some attention. As one of those named on the list I am honoured that you've recognised us differently to the way we're portrayed by the Young Libs.
    I would encourage you all to write to the Senate and voice your concerns.
    Martin Hirst

  4. Hi Eth,
    Don't worry, be happy, enjoy London - the little sods parents will all be broke by Christmas!


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