
Sunday 2 November 2008

Best short obits for the Bush Presidency seen so far

Bush poster from Chuckman's Cartoon Comments

Bush is pure poison, the most unpopular president in the history of opinion polling.
He will leave office on January 20 with a record of presiding over two recessions, and starting two wars that he could not finish. This amounts to a record of failure unmatched by any president.
Peter Hartcher writing in The Canberra Times on Saturday 1 November 2008

GEORGE BUSH is constitutionally barred from running for office next week, but you might be pleased to hear that his name will still appear on the ballot in at least one part of the United States. The people of San Francisco will be asked to approve an initiative to rename a city landmark. Proposition R proposes giving the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant a new title: the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.
Gerard Baker writing in The Times online 1 November 2008

"Bring them on."
George W. Bush recklessly responding to the beginnings of the Iraqi insurgency in the Orlando Sentinel 1 November 2003

"This nation has always gone to war reluctantly."
George Dubbya having a revisionist moment on CNN 11 November 2003

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