
Monday 17 November 2008

The Member for Goldman Sachs objects

Almost nightly on the teev we are faced with a moment to two from the member for the seat of Wentworth, the Honourable Malcolm 'Captain Caveat' Bligh Turnbull MP.
Irritating and yawn inducing as he is, there are some moments when he is wonderful to behold.
His objection in Parliament early last week to a momentary lack of the use of his 'title' Leader of the Opposition during Question Time was a political flounce which sent his crinoline a-whirling and was well worth that momentary glimpse on the nightly news.

"Mr Turnbull—Mr Speaker, on a point of order: I
am very happy to refer to the gentleman opposite as the
member for Griffith, if he would like to do that; if he
wants to be ‘the Prime Minister’ he should address me
as ‘the Leader of the Opposition’.
Mr Melham—Where is it in the Constitution, Malcolm?
The SPEAKER—Order! The member for Banks!
Honourable members interjecting—
The SPEAKER—Order! The House will come to
Mr Randall interjecting— "

The end result was foregone - the House of Reps became littered with references to the member for Goldman Sachs and his ego lies a-bleeding alongside the latest Newspoll which shows that only 22% of voters think he would make a better prime minster than Kevin Rudd with the Coalition trailing by ten points in the two-party preferred stakes.

** Pic from Crikey

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