
Saturday 20 December 2008

Age and gender profile of NSW North Coast electorates

It will soon be a new year and, although it won't exactly be a political new day, it will be time for all good community lobbyists to gird their loins and go forth once more to front all three tiers of government and explain our wants and needs here on the NSW North Coast.

Here is a little something which will help in gauging the electorate in which you live; AEC NSW Elector Count by Division, Age Groups and Gender, September 2008.

For those who just like a bit of trivia; this elector count shows that one voter in John Howard's old seat of Bennelong has no assigned gender - and is listed as indeterminate-unknown.
It seems that if you have a gender neutral first name, the good folks at AEC can only assign you a gender if you tell them and 8 people across the state (and 22 across the nation) have forgotten to say.

PDF copy here.

1 comment:

  1. You mean,that non lobbyists,if there are such persons,have a problem in how to define a particular day!?Whereas Lobbyists,are particular about days to such a degree that some determination needs to take place so they will know the symbological value of it in relationship to the practice of lobbying!? Gee! I have asked a couple of questions like ABC Staff do..and so effectively time wise!


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