
Monday 1 December 2008

Can Therese Rein ever be seen with Kevin Rudd again?

Shown here are a media photograph and a cartoon of the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Mr. Rudd and his communications minister want to impose a national ISP-level filtering system on the Australian Internet.

LogiPik is one form of filtering software guaranteed to stop unwanted images in their tracks.

Here is its assessment of the Kevin Rudd cartoon:
Evaluated as: p*rn
Completed in 1 sec.

And here is its assessment of the Kevin Rudd photograph:
Evaluated as: p*rn

Completed in 2 sec.

Additionally, here is its assessment of a media photograph of Kevin Rudd and child (not shown here, because what child wants to be reminded that they were once close to the man that a filter rejected):
Evaluated as: p*rn

Completed in 12 sec.

Yes, it's staring us in the face - Kevin the PM p*rn star.

With such a 'dubious' moral character on display for all the world to see; can Therese really afford to keep this man?
Especially when the chance exists that at least one of the various filtering software/hardware systems (that would be used by ISPs if the Great Firewall of Australia comes to pass) will frequently label her husband and life partner as a piece of p*rnography.
Because, let's face it, Australian ISPs are bound to rely on systems which in turn rely on dubious software and blacklists found overseas.

Cartoon from Strange Times and photo from Time Magazine

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