
Friday 12 December 2008

Did the Howard years leave us dribbling idiots?

For $25 you can buy a book which tells everyone just how successful school chaplaincy programs can be.
Joelle even has a blog to promote her book which reportedly speaks openly of miracles.

According to Caroline Overington at The Australian last weekend:
"GOD has cured at least one state school student of attention deficit disorder and another of asthma, according to interviews with chaplains employed in 2850 schools under a $165 million federal government program.
The Lord has also made it stop raining at a state school assembly in Queensland and performed other miracles to bring state school children to Jesus.
One chaplain was able to "fix the head" of a disruptive student by placing his hands upon the boy's head, and praying for him.
These and other miraculous claims are included in a book about the national school chaplaincy program, which was introduced by the Howard government in October 2006."

Now who'da thunk it. John Howard - miracle worker sitting at the righthand of Hughie!
Obviously the Scripture Union didn't, because they stated that they no longer endorse the book and gently repudiated its author.
Except of course that the top article touting the book on the first Google search page on 6 December was at (ya guessed it) The Scripture Union.

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