
Tuesday 2 December 2008

Some of the quotes that have stuck between my ears.........

You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore - Richard Milhouse Nixon in 1962 when he lost the election for Governor of California.

You won't have me to kick around anymore - Koala in the Qantas television advert which had to be withdrawn from the U.S. market many years later.

Don't vote it only encourages them - an oldie but a goodie from the mythical 60s graffiti.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman - U.S. President Bill Clinton (with fingers crossed).

All we are saying is give peace a chance - John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band

Eternity - footpath graffiti seen on childhood visits to Sydney.

There is no way that GST will be part of our policy. Never ever. It's dead. It was killed by the voters at the last election. - Prime Minister John Winston Howard as he waited for the ideal moment to introduce a Goods and Services Tax.

If the wind changes your face will stay that way - timeless admonishment from a grandmother.

"The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September 11, 2001, and still goes on." - U.S. President George W. Bush delving into phantasy in 2003

No thanks. Mum's doing a lamb roast - a put down line which will always be associated with Tom Cruise.

Come on Aussie, come on, come on
Come on Aussie, come on
Come on Aussie, come on, come on
Come on Aussie, come on
- a sporting ear worm from the 70s.

Well may we say "God save the Queen" because nothing will save the Governor-General. - Edward Gough Whitlam on the day his government was dismissed in November 1975.

they would shoot the girls first but they knew well I was not there or I would have scattered their blood and brains like rain I would manure the Eleven mile with their bloated carcasses and yet remember there is not one drop of murderous blood in my Veins - Ned Kelly writing in the Jerilderie Letter about police treatment of his sisters, presumably without a touch of irony.

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