
Tuesday 23 December 2008

Warning, Warning! The Great Firewall of Australia is being live trialled from 24 December 2008

Because the Australian Government's live trial of its mandatory national ISP-level filtering scheme is fully functional from tomorrow, North Coast Voices apologises in advance to its readers for the incredible stupidity of the Prime Minister and the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy which may cause our blog to disappear from view over the life of the trial.

International visitors to our blog will still be able to read all posts and we will endeavour to keep publishing.


Senator Conroy has announced that the live trial will not be starting now until mid-January 2009.
Presumably both the minister and department have run into a few obstacles on the way to the Great Firewall of Australia, given the less than enthusiastic response from Australian ISPs.

Graphic from Google Images

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