
Friday 2 January 2009

All I want is.......a new front tooth

Some of the many wishes which turn up on the Internet:

All I want is world peace...
...and a pony.
Grafitti from the syndicated Ginger Meggs comic strip

All I want is an honest press.
Post title at Crooks and Liars blog

All I want is my face on TV,
But they're always rolling text over me
From The Credits Song on The Chaser's War on Everything

All I want is to be left in peace to get on with earning a living, with as little interference from government as is possible.
A British musician commenting on a UK Telegraph article Coping class is the new working class

All I want is to be able to make a call and get what is now a basic home service (the internet) to my home. No delays, no explanations just a service.
Is that too much to ask?

Blogger David Says on the perils of setting up an Internet connection in Australia

All I want is everything
Ambit claim made by a book title aimed at teenagers and found at

All I want is the government to give me a good reason why I must vote or must attend the polling booth.
Phanto sounding off at The Forum

All I want is a smoke!
Plaintive cry on ehealthforum

All I want is a normal life
Title given to a blog

All I want ... is to live in peace with my family
A child's wish from Gaza in 2006 which still hasn't been fulfilled by the international community

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