
Monday 12 January 2009

New Australian Electoral Commission head: come on down, Ed!

"Mr Ed Killesteyn commenced his five year appointment as the Electoral Commissioner, Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 5 January 2009.
Mr Killesteyn said he was pleased and honoured to be appointed to the position of Electoral Commissioner, and looked forward to continuing the AEC’s strong and well deserved reputation for delivering an electoral system that serves well Australia’s democratic heritage.
Mr Killesteyn has held a number of senior Public Service positions, including four years as a Deputy Secretary at the then Department of Immigration and Indigenous Affairs, and most recently as the Deputy President of the Repatriation Commission and a Deputy Secretary at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. "
Now Ed has a bit of a chequered history hidden in that wee bio - anyone remember Truth Overboard and the Palmer Report on DIMIA's treatment of Cornelia Rau?

A soft word of warning to Ed, as he starts one of the most important public service jobs in Australia (running our elections) - don't stuff up!

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