
Friday 16 January 2009

The NSW Office of the Premier corresponds with a cat?

When North Coast Voices was set up a side blog was established for Clarencegirl's cat and, in a fit of absurdity, he was given a hotmail account.

Since then Boy the Wonder Cat has received almost every psihing email known to man or beast, become the recipient of begging letters from then presidential candidate Barack Obama, and now it appears he is on a 'reply to' list for an email he swears he never sent to the NSW Premier.

EA1382161 - new community housing rent policy‏
From:thepremier (
Sent:Friday, 9 January 2009 2:00:19 PM
EA1382161 - CMU

To whom it may concern

The Premier has received your recent email concerning the new community housing rent policy.

As the matter you have raised primarily concerns the administration of the Minister for Housing, and Minister for Western Sydney, the Hon D L Borger, MP, the Premier has arranged to bring your approach to the Minister's attention.

You may be sure that your comments will receive close consideration.

Yours sincerely

Vanessa Karkousi
Office of the Premier

Now I'll apologise in advance in case a third party has used Boy's email address, but it does rather look as though someone at the Premier's office has seen a North Coast Voices post on the subject and is responding to that.

Mr. Rees, there is a comments button below those posts on the topic of your new community housing rental policy.
Might I suggest that you use it?

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