
Saturday 17 January 2009

US judge orders Bush Administration to cough up those e-mails

Well, this has been a week and a half.
First a former Pentagon official in charge of those infamous military commissions finally admitted that torture occurred at GITMO.
Now we find out that a US Court has ordered the Office of the President to find those emails covering the period which included the invasion of Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.
Digital documents on memory sticks etc., are apparently just walking out the door or heading for the trash can of their own volition.
Yep, those pesky little blighters are even said to be jumping to their own deaths from fourth storey offices rather than reveal all they know about George, Dick, Donald, Colin, Alan, Roberto and whatshername.

The Order

Copy of order here.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to share your enthusiasm that those behind such barbarism will be brought to the notice of the public if not actually paraded before the courts but somehow I think those politicians who sanctioned all that went on in the name of "terror" will be able to carry on blandly as if nothing had happened.


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