
Tuesday 10 February 2009

Snap! on those annoying spam emails

Snapsam, over at the Stuft blog, has the answer to those fake missing children emails and similar spam which often litter our inboxes.
She directs everyone on the latest email cc list to Snopes.

Sam also composed her own please help email which could be sent in retaliation:

I really need your help….

I lost the keys to my house. They've been missing now for two weeks. Maybe if we pass this email on to everyone we can work together to find them. Even if it goes overseas, who knows they may have been "keynapped" and taken as far away as Canada, India or Mesotaplioma.

With God on our side, they will be found. I'm begging you please forward this to everyone in your address book if you do, your good deed will be payed back to you ten fold.

I don't know how it works it just does. Trust me. Forward this email to all your friends and family and I guarantee they will return the favour by forwarding you all their crap email for the rest of your natural life.

If you forward to >5 people, you will feel like you have lots of friends as they start forwarding you all their spam emails.

Forward to >10 people and your love life will be enhanced by offers of p*nis enlargement therapy.

Forward to >20 people and I will personally come over to your house drink all your liquor and tear your computer out of the wall so you can never forward this crap to anyone ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the old days (before the internet was known as the web), when most mailboxes had a limited size, run by administrators in universities, we used to "letter bomb" by replying, often with a large attachment or inclusion, so their inbox would blow up and the local administrator would probably revoke their account.

    This isn't so practical anymore.

    Mind you, spam is a much greater drain on the economy than most realize, and stopping spam would be a lot easier and more useful to the economy than Conroy's planned filter.


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