
Saturday 14 February 2009

A word on climate change from a Crikey reader

In Crikey on 3 February:

Bruce Hore writes: I am no climate change scientist, but I do know:

  • In Adelaide, we are having a week of temperatures over 40 degrees, peaking at 45.7 (hottest in 70 years). It's really f-cking hot!
  • 20+ people a day are dying here due to heat related conditions. Why? Because it is really f-cking hot!
  • We will have another 5-7 days over 35 degrees. It ain't 45, but it is still f-cking hot!
  • Last year, we had 15 days in a row over 35 degrees (a record for an Oz metro centre). It was really f-cking hot then too.
  • It is so f-cking hot that technology used by railways, tramlines and power companies all over the world, is failing here on a daily basis over a several week period.
  • Adelaide had 100mm (15%+) less rainfall last year than on average.
  • Adelaide had 1mm last month, 33+ mm less than usual. Its 2009 and, like financial redemption, there is no rain here either.
  • The Murray and lower lakes are pretty much empty down this way (the Coorong is a mess), which I suspect doesn't get any coverage east of Bordertown. Old timers call it the worst it has ever been.

I am no climate change scientist, but I can tell you it is much hotter than it used to be with much less water around and the environment is suffering. We really need to change the way we use/treat the environment.

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