
Monday 20 April 2009

Fred Nile's mob shaft Gordon Moyes

A fraction too much friction between NSW Upper House Members

Years of mud slinging and arm wrestling in the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) reached a climax on the weekend when Fred Nile's mob expelled Gordon Moyes from the party.

While many seasoned political observers have thought the two CDP members would finally settle their differences using the pistols-at-dawn way of doing things, Nile's mob moved against Moyes at a meeting of the CDP state council over the weekend. The council voted to uphold the decision made in March to expel Dr Moyes.

The Age reports that Moyes has had discussions about becoming the state's first Family First parliamentarian after being expelled from the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).

In a statement posted on his website Moyes said he would remain in NSW politics despite his expulsion.

“I was expelled not because of any moral, sexual, financial or any other kind of unacceptable Christian behaviour but because I have some different views to the leader and believe the Management committee to be dysfunctional. Differing with our Leader is regarded as disloyalty and being critical of our Management Committee effectiveness is regarded as grounds for expulsion.”

The CDP accused Moyes of many things at Saturday's meeting, but perhaps a couple of the more interesting charges were that Moyes was:

1. a Freemason (Moyes: "I was not and had never been a freemason.") and

2. involved in witchcraft (Moyes: "For the life of me I cannot think what that was for. Did I once quote Macbeth?")

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the fact that Moyes was also accused of 'divination' because he (along with the rest of the world) predicted that Obama would become president.

    "Elwyn then charged me with divination, because when I returned from USA last year I had predicted Barrack Obama would win the Presidency! Fred was not charged with divination, because he had during my talk injected “I bet you anything you like that the next President of the United States will be John McCain”. Apparently if you are right you can be charged with divination, but if you fail to predict the winner you are not divining."


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