
Tuesday 12 May 2009

S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth for a dubious laugh

The Daily Examiner, 6 May 2009

Is it just me - or does this cartoon figure look suspiciously like Kevin 07 supposedly receiving that $900 cheque from the last economic stimulus package?
Someone needs to remind the cartoonist that Rudd's parliamentary salary alone precludes him from receiving this cheque.


  1. As a fellow cartoonist I'd say never let the truth get in the way of a good laugh. However, I think you've missed the point that in this case Rudd may be holding the results of his latest popularity stimulus package.

  2. "in this case Rudd may be holding the results of his latest popularity stimulus package"
    Now that is funny!
    Pity the line under the published cartoon in question showed that wasn't the intent.


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