
Sunday 31 May 2009

Want a dirty weekend next weekend?

Then get down and get dirty at the Australian Singles Marbles Championships
next weekend in Brunswick Heads.

The Championships are part of the
Brunswick Heads 9th Old and Gold

Players are advised that "Brunwick Heads" Rules will apply, with t
he Championships being played “FOR FAIR”, so all marbles will be returned to their owners.

Other significant rules include:

* Glass Marbles are to be no bigger than 3/4” (three-quarters of an inch). Agates & Steelies are banned.

* The order of shooting will be determined by “lagging”. Closest shoot or toss to designated line.

* Players can either shoot with their “TAW”(their shooting marble) off the ground or knuckled down outside or on the edge of the ring.

* Fudging is a foul shoot & next player takes turn.

* Shooters are not permitted to step/walk inside the ring.


Click here for more information about the Old and Gold Festival.

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