
Tuesday 9 June 2009

Parilamentary English: nasty, nerd and bitch.....

On Tuesday 2nd June 2009 Bernard Keane writing in Crikey said: "The Coalition's discipline, which held more or less solid for the eleven years of the Howard Government, has never really recovered from the election defeat. Malcolm Turnbull was busy running his own under Brendan Nelson. Since Turnbull's ascension, Peter Costello has felt no apparent compunction to do anything to help his leader or his party. Wilson Tuckey and Bronwyn Bishop insist on behaving like senile old relatives. And the Nationals, with Barnaby Joyce elevated from maverick to Senate leader, are not so much off the reservation as permanently on the warpath, and don't much care if its Liberals or the Government they're fighting."
Everyone it seems is noticing.
Yet despite the entire country looking on askance at Coalition disintegration, the Leader of Opposition Business withdrawing comments made in the House of Reps during Question Time on the same day attempted to get on the record the interjections "Nasty, nerd and bitch".
How much longer do we have to endure these childish behaviour and puerile name-calling?

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