
Thursday 11 June 2009

Stop it or they'll go blind!

Now I've heard everything! The Rudd Government is reducing the Medicare rebate for cataract surgery from $831.60 to $409.60, according to the Minister for Aging and Member for Richmond Justine Elliott.

There are already quite a few worrying out-of-pocket expenses associated with eye surgery for those pensioners without savings or investments (as well as waiting lists which can still see a older person wait up to a year for publicly-funded eye surgery) and now the federal government is about to put such surgery almost out of reach for people living below the poverty line.

Right now if you have the money up front or private health insurance a cataract operation can usually be performed within 6 to 8 weeks on the NSW North Coast (by the same specialists and hospitals which make the poor wait and wait for exactly the same medical procedure), so the health system is already biased against those poor sods with no money in the bank.

Bluddy Kevin Rudd and his merry troop have just made this unfair state of affairs even worse and their piddling little national grant for rural & regional areas will go nowhere.
This counter-productive cost cutting stupidity ranks alongside the Clayton's public dental system - obviously those in power won't be happy until pensioners and those on low incomes are blind as well as toothless!

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