
Monday 6 July 2009

Watching the watchers

The week began with Kevin Rudd being reported as lobbying for an Australian sainthood (such a mind numbingly stupid misstep that it deserves no further comment) and a media beat-up on the new head of Britain's MI5 being outed by his wife on Facebook (conveniently ignoring the fact that Sir John Sawers image opposite is all over the world wide web due to his previous high profile government positions).

Which had me musing on what other smiling spooks might be found out there in hyperspace. A quick search revealed the following.

Leon E. Panetta, CIA Director 2009 [Google Images]

David Irvine, Director-General of ASIO 2009 [Google Images]

In the private sphere watchers such as the Global Edge Group Pty Ltd / National Open Source Intelligence Centre, which was outed by The Age sometime back as one of the contractors used by various Australian government departments and agencies to gather information on activist groups, websites and blogs, are a little more circumspect.

No hard information on the current doings of the Global Edge Group is out there apart from the fact that some NOSIC staff spent time attending an SMX Presentation held by Synergy Limited in Sydney and, participated in strategic discussions with regards to penetration of high-security markets in Australia and overseas.

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