
Sunday 21 June 2009

While Turnbull wouldn't reveal the exact content of that alleged email Rudd apparently wasn't so coy

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It has been extremely interesting watching the case of the alleged Ozcar email develop.

What has been a real eye opener is Leader of the Opposition Malcolm Turnbull's admission that he didn't have a copy of and indeed hadn't seen this email on which he based his call for the Prime Minister to resign.

According to journalist Glenn Milne writing in The Daily Telegraph today:
Mr Turnbull now says he has been relying on Mr Lewis's reports for his resignation calls on Mr Rudd and Mr Swan. He denied anyone in the Opposition wrote the email or sent it to Mr Lewis.

Presumably Rudd's staffers released the copy of a News Ltd email used by Bernard Keane in his Twitpic to put us out of our misery as to the exact wording of that phantom email.

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