
Thursday 2 July 2009

Blame it on the bloggers!

Chairman and CEO of News Ltd John Hartigan had a simple message to deliver as part of his televised address to the National Press Club on Wednesday 1 July 2009.
Pared down to the basics it went like this: Journalists good, bloggers B-A-D. Hard copy and online newspapers very good, blogs even B-A-D-D-E-R!

Just last month ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden writing in The Washington Post opined that the blogosphere was partly to blame for a CIA analyst withdrawing his nomination for U.S. Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence.

Australian Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy obviously doesn't know what to make of bloggers and oppressive regimes world-wide try to silence the most politically vocal of them.

One gets the general impression that the blogosphere must be doing something right.

Image from Google Images

The Herald Sun has obligingly published the full text of Hartigan's address.

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