
Wednesday 8 July 2009

Marohasy's out of a job and hawking her pottery collection

My second three-year contract with the Melbourne-based Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) ended with the financial year and is not being renewed.........
I had great hopes for the planned collaboration between the IPA and University of Queensland on evidence-based environmentalism but the University proved too timid and conservative - at least for me........
I have also left the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) Executive....
I am going to have to find a new job, or perhaps start a small business (If anyone is interested in antique Asian pottery I have a collection for sale.)........

I will be kind and refrain from further comment.


  1. UQ declining to be associated with someone who hasn't published any serious academic work this century is 'timid'? Well I guess that's one interpretation.

  2. I hear wasilla's looking for another mayor.


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