
Tuesday 14 July 2009

A quiet victory over adversity.....

From Biddle and Taylor's 2009 working paper Indigenous Population Projections, 2006–31: Planning For Growth:

Between 2006 and 2031 the Indigenous population is projected to grow from just over 517,000 to almost 848,000 (Fig. 3). This growth is reasonably steady over the period and it represents an annualised rate of 2.00 per cent. By way of comparison, between 2001 and 2006, the Indigenous population was estimated to have grown from 458,500 at an implied annual growth rate of 2.43 per cent (ABS 2008a). Clearly, the model projects a decline in the rate of growth. Over the same period to 2031, the non-Indigenous population is projected to increase from around 20,179,000 to around 25,621,000. This represents a lower growth rate compared to the Indigenous population, resulting in an increase in the Indigenous share of total population from 2.5 per cent to 3.2 per cent (Fig. 3). An interesting point to note from Fig. 3 is that a continuation of the growth trend shown would result in one million Indigenous Australians by 2040.

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