
Thursday 16 July 2009

Tony Abbott touts his book

If anything was needed to convince that the Liberals' Tony Abbott talking up a return to fault-based divorce on the statute books was a cynical effort to puff up the recent publication of his book Battle Lines, this is it:

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop said she was willing to talk about Mr Abbott's proposal if he wanted it to become the party line.
"What Tony's doing is putting forward, I gather, his personal views on a particular matter and we'll debate them if he wants them to become part of our policy," Ms Bishop told ABC Television on Sunday.
Mr Abbott had not brought the suggestion to the party room and there would be a "healthy and robust debate" if he did, she said.

Translation - this Federal Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs is not serious and wouldn't be taken seriously if he did push for a return to the bad old days.

If you want to hear more of Tony's outrageous book touting, he will be the guest speaker giving the National Press Club Address on 30 July 2009.

By then he should have garnered a few advance sales from those hopefully few Neolithic males still hiding out in our midst.

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