
Wednesday 8 July 2009

Turnbull's recycled debt truck shows a lack of imagination

A recycled debt truck for heaven's sake!
It's hard to believe that Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull is so desperate at the moment that he would revisit 1995-96 and risk aligning himself with the unpopular ghost of former Australian PM John Howard in this way.

This revamped debt truck is likely to breakdown long before in reaches the Hume Highway.

Turnbull continued to put his foot in it when on his blog on 7 June 2009 he posted the Launch of the Debt Truck and sent the same out on Twitter.

In that particular post he stated Mr Rudd is fond of doing media stunts while wearing hard hats.

This gem is on the very same blog page which shows him wearing a hard hat during his recent visit to West Australia.

Definitely a pot calling the kettle black.
Who looks foolish now?

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