
Sunday 16 August 2009

Don't believe in global warming? Then you may belong to a mere 2.5% of the approximately 17.7 million Australians over fourteen years of age

Roy Morgan Research asked the question; "There's proposed legislation before Federal Parliament for a carbon emissions trading scheme to be introduced in Australia. Do you approve or disapprove of this legislation?" according to a special Morgan Poll telephone survey conducted last Wednesday and Thursday nights (August 5/6, 2009).

Six hundred and eighty-seven people over 14 years of age responded, which is a relatively low number for statistical accuracy.

Some of the poll findings:

A clear majority of Australians (55%) approve of the Government's proposed carbon emissions trading scheme.......

Special analysis by age group shows 66% of 14-17 year olds in favour of the legislation compared to 55% of 18-24 year os, 62% of 25-34 year olds, 61% of 35-49 year olds and just 45% of Australians 50+......

Those who disapproved of the legislation were then asked "Why especially do you say that?" The most prominent reasons Australians disapproved of the legislation were: 'Australia should wait for the World to act' (3%), 'Costs too much' (3%), 'Doesn't stop pollution/ carbon emissions' (3%), 'Don't believe in Global Warming' (2.5%), and 'Carbon emissions are not responsible for Global Warming' (2%). Of all Australians, 2.5% disapprove of the legislation because it 'Doesn't go far enough.'

Roy Morgan Research Finding No. 4405

Australian population clock and projections

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