
Monday 10 August 2009

Is an overly optimistic Tony Abbot an indicator of a firming Coalition response to climate change?

An overly optimistic Tony Abbott in his speech A realist's approach to climate change at the David Davies memorial dinner, 27 July 2009:

We can't conclusively say whether man-made carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to climate change. If they are, we don't know whether they are exacerbating or counteracting what might otherwise be happening to global climate. Even if they are adding to climatic extremes, humanity may be able to cope with only modest adjustments. Our ability to live well in cities as climatically different as Ottawa and Singapore and to produce an abundance of food in countries as environmentally diverse as Australia and Canada suggests that humans can adapt even to quite significant changes in global temperatures.

Federal Parliament's return this week should make for interesting viewing as the national emissions trading scheme is once more before MPs and senators.

If Tony Abbott is any indication, there seems to be little hope that the Coalition will be anything other than antagonistic towards any climate change mitigation measures.

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