
Sunday 30 August 2009

Telstra gets another serve from the Northern Rivers as Saffin takes new charges complaint to Parliament

This time it's the hardworking Federal Labor MP for Page writing in the letters column of The Daily Examiner on 28th August 2009 concerning new over-the-top Telstra account charges.
Sic 'em, Janelle!

Telstra fee unfair

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with David Bancroft's editorial (DEX, August 24) regarding Telstra's unfair penalty imposed on people who want to pay their bills by phone or over the counter.
Earlier this month Phil Redpath also wrote (DEX, August 8) calling for people to write to
Telstra and send copies of their complaints through to me in a campaign to have the new charge dropped.

I agree that people power can work in these situations, and ask that people send their representations directly to me if they prefer ( ) and I will pass on to Telstra.
I have already contacted the new CEO of Telstra, David Thodey, calling on him to immediately withdraw the $2.20 charge, which is a penalty on those who can't or don't want to pay electronically.
This penalty is particularly unreasonable in the light of Telstra's announcement of an annual profit of more than $4 billion.
I have been working on the Telstra billing issue in Canberra with my colleague Sid Sidebottom, the Member for Braddon, and we will be speaking on a notice of motion on this issue which is listed for debate in the next sitting of Parliament.
There is a clear opportunity here for David Thodey to demonstrate he is genuine about improving customer relations by getting rid of this unfair billing charge.
Let's show him some people power at work.

Member for Page


Tamanian MP for Braddon Sid Sidebottom's letter to David Thodley protesting new Telstra charges, 20th August 2009

Perhaps the pollies representing Clarence, Lismore, Oxley and Ballina (state), as well those looking out for Cowper, Lyne and Richmond (federal), might like to tell the world how they are approaching Telstra's latest attempt to gouge its loyal customers.

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