
Thursday 20 August 2009

What do they say? No press is bad press - just spell the name right

The hard working North Coast Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin found herself picked out for a rather truncated mention in a bible-quoting Canadian market opinion blog post courtesy of Joel Bowman, reporting from Taipei, Taiwan on 17 August 2009.

This post was apparently echoing seven other blogs or media reports, mostly from earlier in the year, which commented on the fact that $900 2008-09 tax refunds sent out as part of the Australian Government stimulus package also went to the estates of taxpayers who had died in or after the last financial year.

Apparently the general sentiment was; when it comes to tax refund money you're not supposed to take it with you no matter how hard you worked when alive.

Never mind, Janelle - at least they all spelt your name correctly!

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