
Monday 14 September 2009

An declaration of war on the Internetz and a Scientology call for censorship of the Australian media

If I were superstitious I would say that it was no accident that 9 September 2009 saw a moon which was around 83.8 per cent illuminated, because all that moonlight reflecting off monitors onto unprotected heads probably led to the fact that the Internet Storm Centre recorded a DDos attack which made unavailable for a few minutes.

From somewhere strange on the Internetz 09.09.09.

Formal Declaration of War

To the Citizens and Netizens of the Internet:

On the morning of September the 9th, the Government of Australia, pursuing its course of internet censorship, have shown to us that they have no response nor intend to provide one concerning their plan. The long-known and the long-expected has thus taken place. The forces endeavoring to belittle and undermine the freedom of the internet are now moving towards their final goals. Never before has there been a greater challenge to freedom of information, liberty and civilization. Delay invites great danger. Rapid and united effort by all of the peoples of the world who are determined to remain free will ensure a world victory of the forces of justice and of righteousness over the covert powers of censorship and of oppression. Australia is not alone in this regard: countless governments from across the world can also be exposed as fascists and dictators in this regard. Therefore a state of war between Anonymous and the Australian Government, and between Anonymous and all other governments which find themselves so inclined to impose censorship upon the internet, will be recognized.

Our declaration of war is as follows:

Declaring that a state of war exists between the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments and Anonymous and making provision to prosecute the same.
Whereas, the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments have formally declared war against the freedom of information and speech which embodies the internet; and
Whereas, the Australian government is guilty of planning to force censorship of the internet and make it mandatory to their online users; and
Whereas, such acts continue to pose extreme threat to the security and freedom of the internet and its users; and
Such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that Anonymous exercises its rights and acts in defense of themselves and the supporters of net neutrality.
Therefore, be it Resolved by the united conglomerate that is Anonymous, that the state of war between Anonymous and the Government of Australia and aforementioned governments which has thus been thrust upon the Anonymous is hereby formally declared; and the conglomerate that is Anonymous is authorized and directed to employ the entire power and force of our collective to carry on war against the Government of Australia and other aforementioned governments; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the collective are hereby pledged by the united conglomerate of Anonymous. -


From somewhere ever stranger (with a hat tip to Slashdot).

A February 2009 Church of Scientology submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission complaining about Anonymous, the blogosphere, the media, as well as suggesting remedies including censorship of mainstream media 1931 Church of Scientology Australia:

Recommendation 1:
The implementation of Criminal and Civil Restrictions on Religious Vilification.
Recommendation 2:
Restriction on Anonymity on acts of Religious Vilification:
2.1 Websites created with primary purpose of inciting religious vilification shall be removed or their access to the Australian public restricted.
2.2 Creators of websites whose primary purpose is the incitement of religious vilification shall be prevented from concealing their identity.
Recommendation 3:

Restriction on Religious Misinformation and Misrepresentation known or reasonably known to be untruthful in the Media
Recommendation 4:
Include a form of Bill or Charter of Rights into the Australian Constitution, which prevents the Commonwealth from making any law, which 'directly, indirectly or incidentally' prohibits the free exercise of religion to the extent of such prohibition.

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