
Tuesday 15 September 2009

Herald's Column8 is no longer online.

While Fairfax was shouting from its roof top about its new online National Times, elsewhere in the building The Sydney Morning Herald was being detoured through another route.

Fairfax powers-that-be decreed that as of yesterday (Monday 14 September) the Herald's very popular Column 8 would no longer be available online.

What's next? Will Fairfax start charging its Herald readers for the privilege of reading it online.?

Sounds suspiciously like Fairfax is out to out-do News Ltd with its Murdoch view of the world that online content should have a price tag attached.

Here are a couple of pars from today's Column8.


  1. a bit of blogger subversion early in the morning eh? he hee hee....

  2. The decision to kill of C8 is outrageous! Thank you for posting excerpts. If I were living in Sydney I would scan the entire column each day and post it online somewhere.

    The irony is that C8 is the single reason I have been visiting the SMH website for more than a decade. So they've lost one reader. I coincidentally have the ability to blacklist the site in my education workplaces and cause them the loss of thousands of page views...

  3. Just managed to post all of today's C8.
    Read it at

  4. Clarrie, thanks so much for posting. Killing Column8 is a blight on Fairfax. I used to be a keen subscriber to the Herald but now live in Auckland and therefore have no chance at all of reading it.

    One of the facets that made Column 8 what it was was stories from the far flung corners of the world.

    How are they going to encourage those now that it's no longer online?

    Shame Farifax, shame.


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