
Wednesday 16 September 2009

National political nong of the week

This week former Howard Government minister Tony Abbott was again demonstrating why he is unfit to be returned to government.
Not content with the blunt sh*t eating grin line (about Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard) trotted out for the media's benefit, he then went on to sabotage Question Time last Monday by deliberately attempting to block a television camera.

A tactic which saw him first warned and then named by the Speaker and at 2.29pm ejected from the House of Reps on an 80 to 62 vote.
The "Mad Monk" easily wins my vote for political nong of the week and that's really saying something coming out of a Coalition barn which saw its cut-out brandishing MPs refuse the Speaker's orders at the beginning of this parliament.

It's pathetic when after more than a year and a half in Oppostion a grown man still can't accept that he is no longer part of the government of the day.

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