
Tuesday 15 September 2009

One of the Clarence Valley's resident "opinionated jerks" is at it again

Once more a journalist who obviously has some difficulty with feminism is holding forth on how bad things are for Australian men.

Snapshot The Daily Examiner, 10 September 2009
Click to enlarge

Still he is getting slightly better at pushing the case that men deserve a day of their own - this time he does not say that he doesn't care what feminists think (or as he likes to refer to this group - my angry little friends - as North Coast Voices previously pointed out in Pink shirts and pig ignorance on the NSW North Coast).

However, the same complaining (almost competitive) thread continues that men are actually worse off than women because of three statistical categories.

Well here is one category the journalist obviously does not care to consider:

Approximately 700,000 women who experienced violence by a partner in a previous relationship were pregnant at some time during the relationship. 42 percent of these women (292,100) reported that violence occurred during a pregnancy and 20 percent experienced violence for the first time when they were pregnant .....
About three people in Australia are killed each fortnight by a lover, spouse or former partner. More than a quarter of the 2,226 killings in Australia between 1989 and 1996 were "intimate homicides" between close partners.....
Intimate homicides are also predominantly committed by males, but in this context most of the victims are females. In 77% of homicide incidents involving intimate partners, a male killed a female; while a female killed a male in 21% of these incidents. [Flood,Michael, [1998],"Statistics on violence"]

Graham Orams would get a lot more female support for his lobbying for a local Dad's Day event if he could resist the urge to indulge in a little feminist bashing along the way.

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