
Tuesday 8 September 2009

Political evolution NSW-style

I don't think anyone has missed the metamorphosis undergone in the media recently by one murder victim - from wealthy "property developer" to "loan shark and standover man" and worse.
But how many people have noticed that the person or persons allegedly named on that rumoured tape recording have now gone from the very vague "persons connected to NSW Labor" or somewhat vague "state government MPs" to the more specific "senior NSW politicians" or "NSW ministers"?
By yesterday the chatter mill had developed belt and braces, with bribed "senior NSW bureaucrat", "federal Labor politicians" and "police officer" thrown into the mix for good measure.
Seemingly without any print, radio or television journalists (or the NSW Opposition for that matter) having ever listened to this audio tape.
And I thought the local bowlo was good at gossip - the Aussie meeja leaves it for dead! One gossipy whiff and they're off like a Bondi tram.
Given the collective histories and conflicting stories of those non-journalists who have actually said that they heard the tape or knew details of the alleged recorded conversation; is it any wonder that I keep hearing the words 'hysterical beat-up' echoing in my head?


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the whole thing bizarre. The only basis for the story is that the dead bloke is supposed to have told two people he had a tape, and one of them, Jim Byrne, I wouldn't trust to tell the truth about the weather.

    It's hard to tell the difference between NSW politics and Tweed Shire politics at the moment. Unfortunately, the catastrophe that is NSW Labor must be having an effect in Canberra. It's impossible just to cordon off the country's biggest state and prevent it influencing federal matters.

  2. The only person who will lose their job over this is that useless lump Barry Do Nothing - he seems to be the only person who is listening to Jim Byrne - I remember when the NSW Libs got their info on corruption from bob bottom - a tad more reputable than Byrne

  3. i love how jim byrnes said mc Murk "was larger than life" more like "lower than life" it seems.unless he was referring to a tony montana complex And he also said mc jerk "maybe had a tendency to gilt the lily"!ha,understatement of the year?. Isnt it more like a tendency to throw firebombs? or bribe a sheik?!Cant wait for underbelly 5 .carl williams wont see print after this,thk god.


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