
Thursday 17 September 2009

The things you see when you don't have a gun....

This week a snapshot turned up in my email and I almost reached for the elephant gun until an appreciation of the absurd took over.
The Daily Examiner team (pictured here) apparently is out to emulate The Australian crew and turn the local rag into a watered down regional variant of that notorious newspaper for climate change doubters.
On 14th September its "Environment: communities caring for the future" page featured a truncated version of what had obviously started life as a letter to the editor (Todd's third or fourth bite at the subject since May this year).
Finally published sans mentioned references it was an attack on the very notion of man made climate change, heavily influence I suspect by Plimer's book Heaven and Earth.
The Daily Examiner is obviously trawling for more letters, but is it being responsible in encouraging this skewed guff to be considered 'news'?

Pic & snapshot
The Daily Examiner

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