
Tuesday 6 October 2009

Oi, Swanee! You've huffed and you've puffed - when are you going to blow the states' pension grab out of the water?

Just a small reminder to Australian Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan that it's 8 days since he promised to stop state governments from taking a bite out of the one-off pension boost which came into effect in late September.
Since then there's been barely a peep on the subject from the Rudd Government.
Waddaya doin' mate? Don't drag the chain!


  1. I'm disgusted at how greedy the Ress Government is being and frankly amazed that the Rudd Government has bungled this pension increase. Time for all concerned to fix this situation.

  2. Pensioners in state housing, I believe, pay 25% of their income for rent...It maybe a lot for many but why don't you stick up for the pensioners renting in the private market from the capitalistic pigs,renters who probably pay up to 30% or even more. Swan does not control state rents! Now, next time have a more productive rant!

  3. If Anonymous #2 had bothered to read NCV on a regular basis or look back through the archives, he/she would know that this blog has pointed out that pensioners privately renting often pay a much larger percentage of their total income in rent.
    NCV has also pointed out that a reliance on mention of the 25% of total income supposedly paid in rent by pensioners in public housing is misleading, because there are more forms of subsidised housing than just what used to be termed Housing Commission and these forms sometimes charge a higher percentage of income as rent.
    Paying a mere $50 below market rent is not exactly a huge windfall for pensioners caught in this trap.


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