
Thursday 22 October 2009

Support your local dairy - give a multinational the finger and wave to a cow today

It sometimes seems that the world's farmers simply cannot win when it comes to negotiating fair contract prices for their produce with wealthy corporations.
Particularly those which hold considerable market share, are downright monopolies, behave like cartels or harvest national agricultural sectors under flags of convenience.

Yet another media report on the plight of Australia's dairy farmers, faced with the market power of multinational food companies, was shown on ABC 7.30 Report last Monday.

It is worth noting that it was alleged that National Foods, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd (which is the cover name for the Japanese multinational Kirin Holdings Co Ltd which deals in products and services in alcohol, soft drinks, foods and pharmaceuticals) is using its market muscle to force milk prices at the farm gate to below the cost of production.

For those interested in consumer activism, here is a basic list of Kirin food brand names/products:

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